Sunday, 1 July 2012

Stupid body grumble grumble

Not really going to be an update this week.
Pretty much as soon as I started getting over the flu my body decided it'd had enough of this "Operating properly" thing. An old pain that occasionally crops back up in my right glutes kicked in, as did a really bruised/pulled muscle feeling just below my right shoulderblade. A couple of days later I apparently sprain my neck right after going to bed, and I've now also got a pain in my lower back from trying to stop the other three pains from hurting too much.
Yay me.

Magnesium, painkillers and a hot towel (really need to get a proper heat pack I think) have finally started making a difference, but it's still been a shitful couple of weeks, and left me feeling kinda miserable.

Fingers crossed I'll improve over the next few days.
Why doesn't my place have a Spa (or at least a Bath) dammit!!

1 comment:

  1. Well you could always come home and use ours!!!!

    I think you gave me my flu over the phone, take care and buy a hot pack or wheat bag - I think I did suggest this the other day:)
