Wednesday, 16 May 2012

I win at Pie!!

So, my first home cooked meal of Cabbage week.

In the typical "Me" sense I decided hey, lets try making a Pie! I've never made one before!
I started out with this recipe  and then... added a few extra touches.

My Recipe, such as it was, ended up being:

One moderate sized white onion
One moderate sized carrot
Couple of teaspoons of Garlic paste
Teaspoon or so of mixed herbs
Half a teaspoon or so of BBQ seasoning
Err.. some random amount of Ginger
Three sheets of pastry
Kilo of mince
Four-ish cups of cabbage
An egg
Large splash of Mint sauce
Large splash of apple cider vinegar
1/2 cup red wine
1/2 litre of beef stock
Around 60g of gravy mix

Step 1: Preheat oven to 190
Step 2: Grease pie dish, line with pastry (took a bit more than one sheet to properly cover it
Step 3: Put a layer of foil over the pastry, and cover with rice (Note: Baking paper would have been better, but I didn't have any. Also, I only put enough down to weigh down the bottom, not the sides. Oops)
Step 4: Bake for 15 minutes
Step 5: Dice onion & carrot, brown in wok
Step 6: Add mince and brown
Step 7: Add spices, wine, garlic, mix & start simmering/reducing
Step 8: Dissolve the gravy mix in boiling water, add that and the stock to the mince mix
Step 8.5: If (like mine did) the pre-baking reduced the pastry enough that half the sides were open, add more pastry to rectify this.
Step 9: Simmer and reduce until it's nice and thick, add to the pie dish
Step 10: Add top to the pie. Prick and then glaze with the egg
Step 11: Bake for half hour

And man, it was taaaaaaaaaasty!!
I ended up with too much pie mix (probably only needed 800g of mince), so I have extra filling in the fridge at the moment.

Here's a picture!!


  1. Yum. I'm not well suited to goals, but I've been keeping records of things, including cooking things I've never made before. One new dish a month so far this year, without any particular planning. Not an amazing record, but decently consistent.

    I don't think I've ever made a pie before either. Something to keep in mind. Admittedly I'd be tempted just to put the pastry on top rather than making a "proper" pie.

  2. Oh boy I'm really impressed, well done
